MunchaLunch login screen munchalunch login screen

Munch a Lunch & Popcorn 2024-2025

Here's how to get started...

  • Go to
  • Click the "Register Here" button (as shown in the above picture).  The system will guide you through how to add your children.  ***NOTE*** Please only have 1 account per family, if more than 1 account is required, parents are responsible to ensure that orders are not duplicated.  If orders are duplicated, your child will receive both orders and there will not be a refund.
  • Next time, just click the "Login Here" button to access your account.

If you are a returning parent:

  • Log into Munch a Lunch using your last years login and update your child's teacher and class information under the family tab first before placing any orders.  If you are coming from a different school that uses Munch a Lunch please update your school name as well.

Ordering Information:

  • Orders must be placed by 9:00am, one week before the hot lunch and 4 days before popcorn date.
  • Payment can be made by credit card (Visa/MasterCard), debit-credit card or pre-paid credit cards once orders are open to parents. All unpaid orders will auto cancel if not paid within 2 hours. 

Please note if your child is ill on a hot lunch date, you are welcome to come and pick up their lunch at the office by 12 noon; otherwise please consider it a donation for a child who does not have a lunch.  Consistent with previous years, there are NO REFUNDS as this is a PAC fundraiser.  We appreciate your support for our hot lunch program as the funds go toward our children and general fundraising within the school.

We are always in need of Volunteers!  If you have done your criminal record check and are available to help prep and handout hot lunches, please email and let us know.

Our thanks to the South Poplar Elementary PAC for supporting this important fundraiser and to our wonderful Volunteers who help make this program a success!

If you have any questions please contact the Hot Lunch Committee at

Rani Prakash

On behalf of the South Poplar Hot Lunch Committee

Hot Lunch & Popcorn Dates for 2024-2025

Term 3

Friday, Apr 11 - Subway 

Wednesday, Apr 30 - Popcorn Day

Friday, May 2 - Taco Del Mar

Tuesday, May 13 - Popcorn

Friday, May 23 - White Spot

Friday, June 20 - Hot dogs and Sports day Concession