Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
Please join us in working towards making our school a safer place by reading & following these important drop-off & pick-up procedures.
Any parents that are parking must head down to Gladwin Road.
*See LOWER LOT parking info below.
If you are expecting your child to meet you at the pick-up zone, please be sure to let the classroom teacher know (eg. a planner note, an email, etc.). *See UPPER LOT drop-off/pick-up info below.
Grade 1 Parents
At the dismissal bell, all Grade 1 students will wait just outside of the Grade 1 exterior door to be picked up by their parents. If you prefer not to park down below, and instead use the drop-off/pick-up zone, please email the teacher or send a note in your child's planner to let the classroom teacher know so that they can send your child to meet the pick-up zone supervisor(s).
The upper parking lot is only for quick drop-offs & pick-ups. Parents/guardians that choose to use the upper parking lot must not get out of their vehicles. Please patiently wait for your turn to enter one of the 3 spots in the drop-off/pick-up zone.
*Students must enter/exit their vehicles in the drop-off/pick-up zone area. Please do not encourage them to jump out in the parking lot, or to run to your vehicle that is waiting in the parking lot area.
Anyone wanting to exit their vehicle must head to Gladwin Road. You are welcome to park in our lower-level parking lot, or in the parking spots along the fence.
*Note: Parents/guardians that send a runner to drop-off/pick-up their child (eg. an older sibling, a grandparent, an auntie. etc.) must use these parking areas.