Charlotte's Web
Chapter 1 - Before Breakfast read by Mrs. McConnell
Chapter 2 - Wilbur read by Mrs. Dhaliwal
Chapter 3 - Escape read by Mrs. Kantola
Chapter 4 - Loneliness read by Ms. Gill
Chapter 5 - Charlotte read by Mrs. Rogers
Chapter 6 - Summer Days read by Mrs. McMillan
Chapter 7 - Bad News read by Miss Gravel
Chapter 8 - A Talk at Home read by Mrs. Drouillard
Chapter 9 - Wilbur's Boast read by Miss Blouin
Chapter 10 - An Explosion read by Mrs. Yeomans
Chapter 11 - The Miracle read by Mrs. Grewal
Chapter 12 - A Meeting read by Miss Gill
Chapter 13 - Good Progress read by Mrs. James
Chapter 14 - Dr. Dorian read by Mrs. Smith
Chapter 15 - The Crickets read by Mrs. Rogers
Chapter 16 - Off to the Fair read Mrs. Beasley
Chapter 17 - Uncle read by Mrs. Drouillard
Chapter 18 - The Cool of the Evening read by Mrs. Smith
Chapter 19 - The Egg Sac read by Mrs. Manchanda
Chapter 20 - The Hour of Triumph read by Mrs. Manky
Chapter 21 - Last Day read by Mrs. Grewal
Chapter 22 - A Warm Wind read by Mrs. Prins