Mission Statement
Mission & Belief Statements
"Growing our Future"
It is the shared responsibility of the home and school to empower all children to maximize their potential through a love of learning.
At South Poplar Traditional Elementary School we will endeavor to:
• empower children to become contributing, productive citizens, through a consistent, structured environment.
• emphasize basic skills and the achievement of curricular outcomes in an environment based on the traditional values of citizenship, responsibility, and respect.
• ensure a sense of mission and purpose among staff, parents, and students.
At South Poplar Traditional Elementary School, all students will have the opportunity to develop their full potential as individuals and as members of society. Students will be encouraged and expected to achieve their personal best in school, to maintain a positive sense of self-worth and to become socially responsible individuals.
We believe that through education, students will be able to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes, which will allow them to develop intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally, and artistically. We believe that the school should foster in students a love of learning and that students should be active participants in the learning process.
The total education of a child is shared by the home and the school. Parents, teachers and administration should work closely together in the interest of the child in an atmosphere of open communication, mutual support and respect.