Highlights - Board Meeting - March 7, 2023
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Meetings can be accessed through the District's Electronic School Board. Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting.
Terry Fox Elementary – Grade 5 Leadership Students
A group of Grade 5 students from Terry Fox Elementary share about Terry’s Team with the help of their teachers, Amy Baker and Jeremy Wiebe. Terry's Team is a service club focused on fundraising and giving back to the community.
2022 Summer Explorers and Secondary Summer School Program Reports
The Summer Learning Leadership Team share highlights, successes, and future considerations. Michelle Basran and Melanie Trudeau present the Summer Explorers Program report. Soraya Rajabally and Tom van Hunenstijn present the Secondary Summer School report.
Local School Calendar for 2023-2024 - Notice of Motion
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education adopt the revised local school calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.
K-12 Extra-Curricular Scan
Assistant Superintendent Nathan Ngieng provided a report to the Board of Education regarding extracurricular activities for K-12 in the Abbotsford School District.
Framework for Enhancing Student Learning District Review
Superintendent Godden presented a report to the Board of Education regarding the district review of the framework for enhancing student learning.
2023-2024 Preliminary Budget
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board with an update regarding the Strategic Plan. As part of the continuous improvement cycle, staff will outline the process for evaluating last year’s strategy, spending, and district-wide outcomes to revise and update the budget and strategic plan for the 2023-24 school year.
New Administrative Procedure 116 - Privacy Management Program
A recommendation was put forward that the Board of Education appoint the Secretary-Treasurer as the Head of the public body for the purposes of section 77 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
New Administrative Procedure 117 - Whistleblower - Public Interest Disclosure Act
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided a report to the Board of Education with information about a new Administrative Procedure.
New Administrative Procedure 118 - Privacy Breaches and Privacy Complaints
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided a report to the Board of Education with information about a new Administrative Procedure.
New Administrative Procedure 119 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Internal Process
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided a report to the Board of Education with information about a new Administrative Procedure.
BC School Trustees Association - Membership Fees for 2023/2024
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education affirm its membership renewal to the BC School Trustees’ Association for the 2023/2024 year.
Field Naming Committee Update
Trustee Wilson provided the Board of Education with an update on the progress of the field naming committee.
BCPSEA Regional Meeting
Reports by Representatives of External Organizations provided the Board of Education with information.